Bring A Meal
Being open 24 hours each means that there are THREE meals a day to provide for. This where YOU can be a part. We invited the community to participate by signing up to bring either a lunch or dinner to the shelter. This is a great opportunity for your family, church group, business or group of friends to do good!
DayHub / Shelter Opportunties
Both our DayHub and Overnight Shelters are often in need of volunteers to assist our staff in various functions. If you would like to become a part of our team as a regular volunteer, we would love for you to fill out our volunteer form. One of our staff will then follow up with you to find a perfect fit for your time!
Work In The Garden
Every summer our garden overflows with produce that we can use to stock our kitchen at the shelter. We also are able to bless other ministries in town with our abundance as well as give the community an opportunities to come pick fresh produce for their kitchens. It’s a big garden! So all help is wonderful!!
Special Projects
Bridges of Hope has been blessed by so many teams that have taken time to come and work on our campus. Whether you have special construction skills, are a great organizer, love to clean, paint or even help sort through items – we often have special projects that you or your group can get involved in!
Opportunities for Churches
We are so thankful for the support of our local faith communities as they both support us by prayer, actions, and finances! We have many opportunities for churches to come alongside us, including being a part of our daily chapel times. If you would like to find out more about how your church family can help, contact us today!